Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Awesome in 2019 and Looking Forward to 2020!

Hi friends ~

Thank you for joining me in 2019. I was a little lighter in posting due to multiple things going on - job changes, job travel, love ones lost... But we still accomplished quite a lot!

You stuck with me through 27 posts, in which we made smarter shopping choices, and made the most of what we did purchase:

Recycling/upcycling programs: 
  • We found multiple programs that recycle dead Christmas lights (and some that give you coupons for new lights!).
  • We put ourselves on the waiting list for Loop, a milkman-style service for household products, currently being offered on the East Coast, and expanding.
  • We discovered Ridwell, who hosted a special event to take Amazon Prime Day packaging, and has programs for other difficult to recycle items.
  • We learned about the value of replanting trees (or getting a houseplant!) to soak up our CO2.
  • We learned about a cool company that both upcycles and creates jobs, making animal sculptures out of used flip flops.
In the Community:
  • We learned there were tons of ways to do more during Earth Month and throughout the year with Earth Day Bingo and a list of community events throughout the Northwest. 
  • The Seattle Recycled Arts Festival provided both entertainment and introduced me to multiple upcycling artists.
  • Airports helped us avoid buying water bottles (and spending $3) by providing refill stations, and apps are helping us find bottle-free water around town. 
Other Thrifting and Swaps: 

Overall, we saved $1176, and had a fun time shopping and crafting throughout it all! Here's looking forward to an even better 2020.

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