Thursday, October 13, 2016

Oceans: Part 1, Plastic in our Food

We're starting to see more and more stories of our marine life dying with stomachs full of human trash:

While learning that our ocean giants are being harmed by us is devastating, it was also hard for me to understand my role. After all, I'm not dumping my old shoes and car parts in the ocean...

Here's what made it really sink in for me:
Our fish and seafood are now filled with plastic. Foods I considered to be healthy proteins, filled with Omega-3s etc, are filled with plastic.

When you are trying to eat healthy and can't trust your food sources, you start feeling a bit helpless. Here are a couple things we can do to contribute on a daily basis:

  • Purchase beauty products without microbeads. While those little beads don't seem like much, multiply it by millions of people, and it adds up. As of summer 2017, the US is banning production of microbeads in many products, but you can start now!
  • Purchase clothing made from natural fibers. When you wash your polyester shirts and microfiber fleece jackets, the "lint" that washes down the drain is plastic fibers. Who knew!

Want to make a bigger impact?

The Ocean Conservancy has many tips, tricks, and tools on their website, as well sign-ups for an beach cleanup volunteer project near you.

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