As we move into the new year, let's reflect on the awesome things we've discovered this past year. Thanks for hanging out with me through 37 posts in 2017!
- The Costa Ricans show that Pura Vida extends to their view on waste.
- The Container Park is a sustainable gem in the heart of Sin City.
- My hotel in Tempe saved on packaging by providing full sized, refillable toiletries and saved $5 per night by declining housekeeping.
- A Detroit restaurant uses reclaimed materials for its furniture!
- I saved $37 by thrifting a top and using the Buy Nothing gifting community for some jeans.
- I saved $100 by scoring an awesome peacoat as a hand-me-down.
- I saved $60 thrifting a bold patterned top.
- We discovered that going green is even trendy with the celebs!
- I found online thrift stores make thrifting as easy as any online shopping.
- I saved about $100 and added months of life to my pants with some quick mending.
- I saved $32.55 on brand name digs at a consignment shop in Portland.
- I saved $41.24 by DIYing my own crazy Halloween costume from thrifted materials.
- We recognized Half Price Books as a way to both save money on books and earn money selling books for others to enjoy.
- We discovered stores that focus on "creative re-use" where you can get craft supplies for about 80% off!
- We reduced packaging and saved 22% ($1.96) by buying bathroom products in bulk.
- I saved $18 by investing in period panties.
- High end nail polish comes with friendlier ingredients at no extra cost.
- We saved packaging materials and transport costs by buying concentrated bath products.
- We sent the year out with a sparkle, by recommending eco friendly glitter.
- We grew vegetables for free from our scraps. Free food and fun hobby! I saved $2 after a couple small rounds of harvesting. :)
- Reusable flatware saves on plastic utensils, and bamboo doesn't add weight to your bag.
- Wool dryer balls save you dryer sheets and significant drying time!
- I saved $4 by regrowing my store-bought basil.
- We saved on plastic produce bags by getting reusable mesh bags - and also discovered a tag on Etsy for more eco shopping: "teamecoetsy".
- We recovered rare earth elements by recycling our old phones.
- We reduced food waste by purchasing imperfect produce.
- We substantially reduced our paper mail by signing up for 2 services.
- Community dog parks save money and resources by collecting users' grocery bags for waste pickup and collecting rainwater for doggy drinking water.
- We reduced fuel use by shopping local small businesses for Christmas.
- The Washed Ashore Project makes giant sculptures creates beauty and educational pieces from collected ocean debris.
- We discovered 3D Printing and Knitting as options to upcycle plastic.
And finally, we forgave ourselves when we could be perfect greenies all the time. :)
Overall, we saved about $401.75 by making some smart choices, and made a huge dent in our environmental impact! Way to go Thoughtful Consumers!
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