Did your friends and family go nuts this holiday season? Did you end up with a bunch of gift cards that you're getting around to spending?
Did you know that these cards can't go into many curbside recycling programs, but they can in fact be recycled? Most gift cards are made out of PVC (#3 plastic), and if your town is like mine, the recycling program only accepts certain #s of plastic and in certain shapes (like bottles or tubs).
Not only did I have an awesome holiday (I love the "experience" aspect of gift cards) but also, my company likes to give us little gift cards as rewards. So these puppies are stacking up.
Possible options?
1) If you haven't exposed the code on the back, like I have on the cards below, you may as well reload them for gifting to others. If you've exposed the code, skip to option 2. :)
2) Recycle at the store. Some stores will take back their own gift cards for recycling. Otherwise, seek out bins at entrances of stores like Best Buy.
I love Best Buy's recycling station, because not only do they accept gift cards, they also accept other items that seem odd to dispose of: CD jewel cases, toner cartridges, outdated cables, and more.
Happy Spending!
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