Thursday, November 17, 2016

What's wrong with this spoon?

If your office is of any decent size, they have likely made the switch to compostable disposable utensils. How can you tell? Well, besides the color being beige or brown instead of black or white, really how we all know is when your "plastic" spoon looks like the clocks in a Salvador Dali painting after you stir your soup.

Now that we've identified we have compostable flatware, we need to make the fragility worth it. Most compostable kitchen products need to go through a commercial composting process. If they're thrown in the regular trash, you may as well have used a regular plastic spoon, as they won't break down much quicker than plastic in the landfill.

So, here comes my lazy girl problem: I'm not going to walk to the kitchen to grab a utensil, bring it back to my desk to eat, then walk back to the kitchen to sort my trash. Not when there's a garbage can right under my desk.

Enter: any paper shopping bag. I simply dump my forks and spoons in there after lunch. Then periodically, I can bring it with me to the kitchen and empty it. If the bag gets soiled, or I'm not heading back to my desk, it can get composted too. 

Effort level? Minimal. 

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