Saturday, November 26, 2022

Thankful for Leftovers with a Refreshed Flavor

Each Thanksgiving, it's a challenge to discover new recipes that will make the most of your leftovers. Many take a different form but use the existing flavors of Thanksgiving, for example, a turkey pot pie with a gravy or gravy-like sauce.

This may sound sacrilege to those who know me best and my unnatural love of gravy, but I really only want that flavor a couple days in a row before wanting some variety. So I was super excited to try a turkey pot pie recipe that has a creamy/cheesy sauce. Mmmm, flaky crust.

This recipe calls for: 

  • Roast turkey - I used the smaller pieces that came from processing the carcass. (Read here to learn how to do this in your crockpot.)
  • Roasted or frozen vegetables - I had some frozen, but you may have some leftover from a veggie tray? 
  • Cheese sauce - I had cheese leftover from the appetizer charcuterie tray, and milk remaining from the mashed potatoes. 
  • Sour cream - I had leftover from my ambrosia salad. 
  • Puff pastry - These come in a two pack, so I always have an extra one hanging out from prior recipes. 
  • Egg - Whenever I need to brush an egg on pastry crust, there is inevitably plenty leftover. Throw it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds, and my dog Meeko is happy to eat the "scrambled" egg. 

I'm pretty excited that this will do a good cleaning of my fridge. 

Start with 3-4 cups of turkey and 2-3 cups of veggies. 

Add in 1 cup of cheese sauce and 1 cup of sour cream.

Mix well and spread into a pie pan. 

Cover with the puff pastry and brush with egg. 

Bake about 30 minutes or until the crust is golden and flaky, and the filling is bubbling.I needed to add foil around the edges for the last 10 minutes.

Eat a large helping, and when you're done, let your cat lick the bowl. Toby approves of the cream sauce!

Happy Thanksgiving weekend, and may your leftovers be tasty.

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