Monday, July 26, 2021

Eco-Friendly Exercising

So this story starts with a fencing project. We had a couple sections of fence that were rotting and about to topple over. T started the project, demoing the wood panels with our neighbor. I come to check on the progress, and T says: "Well we got the wood down. Now time to dig up those cement plugs that were holding the posts. Your turn."

Whaaa? Well, challenge accepted. I start digging, and lift out one of the 50lb cement blocks. I'm feeling pretty She-Hulk about the whole thing, like look at me LIFT!  The good news is I know to lift with my legs and didn't hurt my back. The bad news is I don't do a lot of weight-bearing exercise, and the next day my thighs were 100% in pain (can Jello hurt?). 

(How I felt until the next day. But really this is an awesome collector figurine from Kotobikuya.)

Now it's in my head that I should probably start doing some weight bearing squats, and all I have at home is 3lb dumbbells. 

The great news is that as things are starting to re-open, including gyms, the thrift stores are starting to fill up with the fitness equipment that gym-goers had purchased to bring their workouts home. I've been easing my way back into the office, working 1 day/week downtown, which is conveniently 1 block from a Goodwill. I check it out for goodies during my lunch break, and have seen the supply rotate each week, and just a few weeks in, I scored: a pair of 8lb dumbbells for $6 each. 

The cheapest I'm seeing these new are $17 each. Savings for the pair is $22, and I've kept a like-new piece of equipment in circulation! With the supply-chain constraints for various products, it's an added benefit to redistribute as much existing supply as possible. 

It leads me to wonder what other at-home hobbies we'll start to see flood the thrift stores and garage sales: puzzles, games, craft supplies?

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Upcycled Bike Waste Makes a Happy Dog!

I love seeing my Aunt T. COVID meant over a year without our usual holiday weekends, but vaccines mean we now get to visit! 

Meeko loves seeing Aunt T almost as much as I do, as she gets plenty of massages and treats when T is around. This past weekend was no exception. T shows up with a gift in hand, which led me to discover a new company! 

Cycle Dogs is a Portland, OR based company, which originally started by upcycling old bicycle tubes into dog collars. They have since expanded their efforts into beds, toys and more, each using post-consumer materials. 

"Cycle Dog has reclaimed hundreds of thousands of discarded inner tube rubber targeted for landfills."

So if you aren't into making your own toys, or just want to support a local business, check out Cycle Dog. I love that they proclaim to help you and your furbaby "lower your carbon pawprint". Not in Portland? You can also find their products at Mud Bay.

Meeko's pretty sold on it too. What do you think? Are these toys just as fun as their traditional counterparts?

And at $8-20 each, these toys are competitive with other quality pet toys.