Thursday, September 10, 2020

Upcycled Hamper Liner

I found this wicker hamper many years ago, and when we moved into our house, we decided it was perfect for towels in our main bathroom. Unfortunately, damp towels do not like it. Did you know wicker can mold? A few sprays of Lysol later, and I determined this hamper needed a liner, stat.

Unfortunately, I was lacking confidence buying a liner online, having no idea if this basket was a standard size, and reading negative reviews about them shrinking at first wash. Fortunately, T had a great idea: we have a set of sheets we retired. Why not make a liner? With the old sheets, we would know it wouldn't shrink in the wash either. 

Step 1: measure the circumference and height of the basket.

Steps 2 and 3 (not shown): I cut the sheet about 6" longer in each direction than I need, to leave room for seams, etc. Sew around the bottom and sides, leaving the top as the opening of your bag. Leave a few inches undone towards the top so you can add a pocket for your elastic.

Step 4: Fold over the top couple of inches and sew, leaving a channel for your elastic. I chose to use the top sheet, that already had this built in as the "trim" on the top sheet. Simply cut the side edge off the sheet to expose the channel.

Step 5: Cut your elastic 20% shorter than the perimeter of your liner. This shorter length will be needed for the elastic to stretch over the edge of the basket. Attach a safety pin to one of of the elastic; you will push the safety in through the channel to guide the elastic through. In order to expose both ends of the elastic, the liner fabric will start to gather. This is expected, and gives the gathered/pleated look you would expect from an elastic waistband on pants.

Step 6: Knot or sew the two ends of the elastic together, and then close up the final couple inches of fabric. 

Step 7: Put your new liner in your basket! The sheet color almost blends into the wicker here, but you could choose a contrasting color if you like. 

The average hamper liner on Amazon? $10. This quick sewing project? Approximately 15 minutes.

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