Thursday, March 8, 2018

Grunge is the New Hipster

The techies in Seattle wear a lot of plaid. And not the developers. The sales guys. You can't walk around downtown without running into 30 dudes who are wearing a fashionable mix of designer jeans and a shirt that is a cross between "dad", 90s grunge revival, Northwest outdoorsman, and lumbersexual hipster.

I have a lot of feelings about this: I wore a lot of plaid in my teen years. In the 90s. When it was just post-grunge in Seattle. So why am I so resistant now? Is it because I spent my 20s trying to become more feminine and stylish? Is it because I'm resisting associating with hipsters, like a true hipster ironically would? Regardless, I've been trying on plaid shirts for the last 3 years, unwilling to pull the trigger.

And then came the Buy Nothing post: "I have a bag of size 14 ladies clothes looking for a home!" I jumped on the opportunity.

In the bag were a handful of tops that I'll pass on to the next person, 3 tops that I kept for myself, a couple great pairs of work slacks, and this awesome plaid shirt.

It was meant to be: green is my favorite color, and I had actually tried on this same shirt at Target last year. $0 is definitely the right price when debating on a new style.

Savings: $23
Risk free trial of the cool kids club? Priceless

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