Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Hand-Me-Downs: Not Just for Toddlers Anymore

They say: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. I say: Keep your stylish-aunt-who's-about-the-same-size-as-you closest!

Last month, I was visiting my Aunt T, and was gifted with this awesome hand-me-down peacoat. There's so much I love about this, particularly, the bright green color. When I shop for new clothes for myself, I often chicken out on getting fun colors, opting for neutrals and basics. When thrifting, swapping, or gifting, it opens up so many more options to explore other styles without buyer's remorse.

I was hanging out with a pre-teen who I mentor the other day, and realized that each week, she talks about the jeans she got from one friend, the shoes she got from another, and the hoodie she borrowed from yet another. As kids, we often get hand-me-downs from siblings and cousins, and as we get into middle school, high school, and college, sharing clothes with friends becomes a great way to double your wardrobe.

At some point in my adulthood, I stopped doing this - not sure if this was a natural progression of wanting to buy my own professional clothes, or that I was no longer in a class of dozens of people about my size. But, I'm now ready to bring back the hand-me-downs and swaps, both great way to reduce waste further upstream than thrift stores, and expand your fashion options.

Savings: ~$100
A peacoat that isn't black or charcoal? Priceless

Thanks, Aunt T!

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