Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Buying in Bulk/Refills

I'd been toying with this idea for a while, when a comment on a post about reducing consumption on The Story of Stuff convinced me to do some more research. (Haven't heard of The Story of Stuff yet? Check them out - they are a short film, blog, resources, and more targeted at reducing consumption and waste.)

So, back to the idea: At grocery stores, there are the bulk bins for nuts and grains. Use a lightweight plastic bag from the store, or better yet, bring your own bag. Packaging is significantly reduced, or even eliminated, when you buy in bulk like this. Often, you'll even save money, because you're not paying for the packaging. And, you reduce product waste by buying the amount you want.

What if we could buy anything in bulk in our own containers? Specifically, I've been thinking about the major source of plastic trash in my home: toiletry bottles. What if I could bring my Dove body wash bottle back to Target and just fill it back up? Or my shampoo and conditioner?

It turns out, like most ideas, someone has already thought of it. Or, in this case, many someones. :) While not available for every brand or common in most big box stores, here are a few of the stores that do refills for bath and body products, household cleaners, and laundry detergent:

Brands/Partners: Copper Moon Apothecary, Alaffia, Alba Botanica, Earth Science, Earthbath, Eco Bella, EO, Everyday Shea, Giovanni, Green11, Griffin Remedy, Nature's Gate, Shikai, Uncle Harry's, ZUM
Locations: San Francisco and San Mateo, CA

Common Good
Brands/Partners: Common Good
Locations: New York based, but many (use their website's store locator). For my followers in the Northwest, there is one in Tacoma, WA

PCC Natural Markets
Brands/Partners: Alaffia, Everyday Shea, Hugo, Oregon Soap Co, Dr. Bronners
Locations: several in King County, WA

The Soap Dispensary
Brands/Partners: Live for Tomorrow, Sapadilla, The Soap Exchange, Nature Clean, BioKleen, Dr. Bronner's, Carina Organics, Foster Naturals, The Soap Dispensary Brand, Eaternal Soap Nuts, Uncle Harry's, Savon De Marseille, Lunapads, Divacup, Yosh Konjac, Kishu Binchotan, Ancient Minerals Ever Bamboo, Environmental Toothbrush, The Copper Hat, Mokulock, Natursutten, Ball Jars, Abeego, gogoBags, Ecojarz, Lunchbots, Ecobags, Ulat Dryer Balls

Locations: Vancouver, BC

Attached to your current brands that aren't listed above? Buy the largest bottle you can find, and refill smaller containers for around your house or in your travel bag - you'll end up saving a large percentage of the plastic packaging, get a better cost per ounce, and save gas and time with less trips to the store. 

Example savings using current pricing at Target for Pantene shampoo:
12 oz bottle: $0.32/oz
28 oz bottle: $0.25/oz
22% savings per ounce

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