Saturday, July 15, 2023

Lower Impact Travel

Travel itself isn't a green activity (planes use a *lot* of jet fuel), but boy I love to experience new places, new food, new cultures... so the next best thing is to make some good choices on the journey. 

Here's how I start most trips:

1) Take Uber Green to the airport. It's just a ride type selection in the app, and costs the same as Uber X. When you select Uber Green, you'll be guaranteefld a hybrid or electric vehicle. Today, we rode in a Tesla!

2) Bring an (empty) reusable water bottle. Many airports now have the water bottle fill stations or at least water fountains. Compare to $3.10 at the Hudson for a 20oz plastic water bottle and you could save a lot over the course of your trip. Compare to the $7 for a bottle at a resort and you're doing even better!

I love this insulated stainless mug because it keeps my water cool all. day. long. You definitely want to stay hydrated when flying.

3) Bring a reusable shopping bag. It can be a larger purse or tote, or I love a lightweight bag like this that folds into its own pocket. You can use the carabiner to clip to your belt, or it's small and light enough to toss into any purse. Chico Bag (Amazon affiliate link). You can use this bag for days when you're out all day and may need to take on/off a sweatshirt, and of course as a shopping bag for your souvenirs, with no need to acquire disposable shopping bags.

Now, go enjoy your vacation!

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