I really enjoy receiving holiday cards, especially from my loved ones who live far away and I don't get to see as often as I like. But eventually (usually just in time for the next year's batch), it's time to pick my favorites for the scrapbook and retire the rest.
But did you know... 1.3 Billion (yes with a "B") holiday cards are sold each year in the US? And then subsequently put into storage or thrown away?
For those that aren't photo cards, the festive text and images are ripe for repurposing! Today, I'm cutting out the best parts into gift tags.
Take this card, for example:
The layout and size of text and images makes it really easy to cut out 2 tags, one of the Danta abd one of the text.
Simply cut out your preferred shape and attach to your gift package.
Now, this type of card requires a little more creativity. Since the whole card is one big image, you'll need to select a portion of the image for each tag. (Note: a card like this isn't even recyclable due to the glitter, so it's a great pick for giving a little more life!)
I chose to use cookie cutters to assist this process. Since they have no center, you can see through to frame which portion you want to show. Once you've selected the area you want, you can trace around the cookie cutter as the outline of a festive-shaped tag.
After tracing, cut out your tag, and attach to your package.
Happy merry-making! Feel good knowing that you got free tags, and gave a second use to a some paper.