Some of the highlights:
Fashion Show (Pardon my low photo quality. I wasn't as close as I wanted to be!)
This stunning crochet dress made from reclaimed laces by Kim McCormick of Kimmi Designs. In addition to her Etsy store, you can find her work @KimmiDesigns on Facebook or Instagram, and at Pretty Parlor on Cap Hill in Seattle.
This tank made from a purse and wrap skirt made from a *shower curtain* by Staci Bernstein. Also @spellcasteraggiev on Instagram.
Top and pants also by Staci Bernstein.
Artisan Booths
Upcycled yard art by Simply Quirky Yard Art. Bonus points to Julie and Carline for sending my purchase home in a reusable shopping bag. The piece I brought home above, and a sampling of their other pieces below.
At $45 for the yard art and $35 for the necklace, you would pay similar prices for commercially-produced alternates, but I was happy to support small businesses using upcycled materials.