Saturday, June 16, 2018

Potato Planters

Last year I started planting potatoes for the first time. I did OK, getting a couple pounds of potatoes from a couple plants, but this year I decided to keep with it and follow the YouTube instructions of planting in 5 gallon bucks to give the potatoes more room to grow.

I started with 2 planting buckets with from Home Depot, and HOLY COW am I growing some wildly huge plants!

This looks promising - I need another bucket, stat!

Last week, a gal from my Buy Nothing group posted an empty coconut oil bucket. (I'm curious about the need for 5 gallons of coconut oil. Does she make her own beauty products?) I snatched it up, and now have the base for my next potato plant.

Next step: recruit T, his drill, and largest drill bit to put some holes in the bottom for drainage. Don't have a drill handy? Stayed tuned for my next post on Tool Libraries.

Insert sprouted potatoes. If you start them towards the bottom of the bucket (just 4" of dirt), you can add dirt as the plant grows, and they'll grow up the hieght of the bucket. 

Water and wait. :) In a couple weeks, these little guys will be the giant bushes up above!

Free bucket for the win (and $6 savings)!